Study Design. Controlled clinical trial study. Objective. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of core stabilization exercise program (CSEP) on trunk–pelvis kinematics during gait in non-specific chronic low back pain (NCLBP). Summary of Background Data. NCLBP is a major public burden with variety of dysfunction including gait variability. Methods. Thirty participants (15 NCLBP and 15 healthy) were included in this study via the convenience sampling method. NCLBP group were intervened via the 16 sessions CSEP 3 days for 6 weeks and trunk–pelvis kinematics (angular displacement, waveform pattern [CVp], and offset variability [CVo]) during gait, pain, disability were evaluated before and after the intervention. Results. No significant differences in displacement and CVo in three planes were found between NCLBP and healthy groups. Independent t test was revealed that significant differences in CVp in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes were found between healthy and NCLBP in pre intervention. No significant changes in displacement and CVo were found as the result of intervention in NCLBP. Pain and disability decreased significantly after intervention. Paired t test revealed that the CSEP increased the frontal (P = 0.04) and transverse planes (P = 0.02) pattern variability significantly. However, there was a significant difference between groups in the sagittal plane CVp after intervention (sagittal plane CVp in healthy vs. NCLBP in post-CSE: mean difference = 14.1; P = 0.04). Conclusion. Considering the role of the deep trunk muscles in gait, and their common deconditioning in CLBP, a CSEP intervention may increase trunk–pelvis kinematic pattern variability. These results suggest CSEP may specifically increase transverse and frontal plane variability, indicating improved motor pattern replication through this movement planes. Level of Evidence: 2
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